This page provides information on past and current projects* being carried out by the Tropical Wetlands Consortium group. Click on each project title for a link to more information. If you would like to get in touch with a project team, please email the contact person mentioned on the relevant page.
(*More projects to be added imminently!)
Peatland resilience: Knowledge exchange for the conservation and sustainable management of forested tropical peatlands Working with a range of organisations including Peru’s Ministry of Environment and National Service of Protected Areas, the project will undertake activities designed to integrate existing scientific data into governmental decision-taking and policy development; develop and test new protocols to facilitate monitoring of peatland ecosystems by government and private companies; and exchange knowledge and understanding with stakeholders and end-users in other peat-rich tropical countries.
ARBOLES – A Trait-based Understanding of LATAM Forest Biodiversity and Resilience This project examines how forest plants respond to these anthropogenic and environmental pressures and how the composition of plant species in LATAM forests is likely to change over time, informing management strategies in the study region…
Carbon Storage in Amazonian Peatlands: Distribution and Dynamics This project aims to make a step change in the precision and accuracy of our knowledge of the distribution of peatlands in the tropics, and to develop our capacity to predict and monitor future changes to the carbon storage function of these peatlands….
Ecosystem dynamics of Amazonian open peatlands during the late Holocene This PhD project focuses on the palaeoecology of open peatlands in the Pastaza-Marañón Foreland Basin (PMFB), northeast Peru. Amazonian peatlands include three vegetation types: open or herbaceous peatland, palm swamp and pole forest. While the last two types have been investigated more thoroughly, open peatlands have remained largely understudied because of their lower biodiversity….
Human impacts on Amazonian peatlands This interdisciplinary PhD project uses a combination of social and natural science methods to investigate the ways in which the management and utilisation of natural resources in the peatlands of North Peru’s Pastaza-Marañón Foreland Basin (PMFB) impact these ecosystems….
MonANPeru: Monitoring Protected Areas in Peru to Increase Forest Resilience to Climate Change This project is enabling the National Protected Areas Service of Peru (SERNANP) to report on the response of the forests of the Andes-Amazon region to climate change by developing an existing network of permanent forest plots across the region…..
Novel approaches to understand the state of biodiversity and support livelihoods: the distribution and degradation levels of Mauritia flexuosa stands in Amazonia In this project, we will address the urgent need to develop cost-effective monitoring systems of the extent and health of M. flexuosa stands by developing a new methodology based on UAV technology to map the distribution and degradation levels of this species at landscapes scales….
Past and present spatial patterning in the peat swamp forests of the central Congo Basin This project aims to investigate the past, present and future of these newly-discovered peat swamp forests found in the Congo Basin….
Protecting biodiversity and sustainable livelihoods in the wetlands of Peruvian Amazonia This project is researching resource use and its impact on biodiversity and ecosystem function across three contrasting communities in wetland forests of the Peruvian Amazon….
Valuing intact tropical peatlands This project aims to use a novel intercultural approach to generate new knowledge about the peatlands of the Pastaza-Marañón Foreland Basin that integrates local and ‘scientific’ knowledge, with communities both contributing to, and subsequently using, this co-produced knowledge….
An inter-continental comparison of tropical peatland dynamics (SARRF) This project combines pollen datasets and current knowledge from Amazonia and the Congo to explore peatland development and succession across the tropics…