
A continuación se presentan varias publicaciones de miembros del grupo. Por favor, póngase en contacto con nosotros si desea una copia de cualquier artículo.

Flores Llampazo, G., Honorio Coronado, E. N., del Aguila‐Pasquel, J., Cordova Oroche, C. J., Díaz Narvaez, A., Reyna Huaymacari, J., … & Baker, T. R. (2022). The presence of peat and variation in tree species composition are under different hydrological controls in Amazonian wetland forests. Hydrological Processes36(9), e14690.

Lawson, Ian T., Eurídice N. Honorio Coronado, Luis Andueza, Lydia Cole, Greta C. Dargie, Althea L. Davies, Nina Laurie, Ifesinachi Okafor-Yarwood, Katherine H. Roucoux, and Michael Simpson (2022). The vulnerability of tropical peatlands to oil and gas exploration and extraction. Progress in Environmental Geography, 1, 84-114.

Hastie, A., Honorio Coronado, E.N., Reyna, J., Mitchard, E.T., Åkesson, C.M., Baker, T.R., Cole, L.E., Oroche, C., Córdova, J., Dargie, G., Dávila, N., De Grandi, E.C., Del Águila, J., Del Castillo Torres, D., De La Cruz Paiva, R., Draper, F.C., Flores, G., Grández, J., Hergoual’ch, K., Householder, J.E., Janovec, J.P., Lähteenoja, O., Reyna, D., Rodríguez-Veiga, P., Roucoux, K.H., Tobler, M., Wheeler, C.E., Williams, M. & Lawson, I.T. (2022) Risks to carbon storage from land-use change revealed by peat thickness maps of Peru. Nature Geoscience15, 369-374.

Hidalgo Pizango, C.G., Honorio Coronado, E.N., del Águila-Pasquel, J., Flores Llampazo, G., de Jong, J., Córdova Oroche, C.J., Reyna Huaymacari, J.M., Carver, S.J., del Castillo Torres, D., Draper, F.C., Phillips, O.L., Roucoux, K.H., de Bruin, S., Peña-Claros, M., van der Zon, M., Mitchell, G., Lovett, J., García Mendoza, G., Gatica Saboya, L., Irarica Pacaya, J., Martín Brañas, M., Ramírez Paredes, E. & Baker, T.R. (2022) Sustainable palm fruit harvesting as a pathway to conserve Amazon peatland forests. Nature Sustainability, 5, 479–487.

Honorio Coronado, E. N., Hastie, A., Reyna, J., Flores, G., Grández, J., Lähteenoja, O., Draper, F., Åkesson, C.M., Baker, T.R., Bhomia, R., Cole, L., Dávila, N., del Águila, J., del Águila, M., del Castillo Torres, D., Lawson, I., Martín Brañas, M., Mitchard, E.T.A., Monteagudo, A., Phillips, O.L., Ramirez, E., Ríos, M., Ríos, S., Rodriguez, L., Roucoux, K.H., Tagle Casapia, X., Vasquez, R., Wheeler, C.E. & Montoya, M. (2021). Intensive field sampling increases the known extent of carbon-rich Amazonian peatland pole forests. Environmental Research Letters16(7), 074048.

Sassoon, D., Fletcher, W. J., Hotchkiss, A., Owen, F., & Feng, L. (2021). Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) dynamics in the Welsh Marches during the mid to late-Holocene. The Holocene.

Ribeiro, K., Pacheco, F. S., Ferreira, J. W., de Sousa-Neto, E. R., Hastie, A., Krieger Filho, G. C., Alvalá, P. C., Forti, M. C & Ometto, J. P. (2021). Tropical peatlands and their contribution to the global carbon cycle and climate change. Global Change Biology, 27(3), 489–505.

Hastie, A., Lauerwald, R., Ciais, P., Papa, F., and Regnier, P. (2021) Historical and future contributions of inland waters to the Congo Basin carbon balance. Earth System Dynamics, 12, 37–62.

Honorio Coronado, E. N., Mercado Torres, A., Del Castillo Torres, D., Dávila Cardoso, N., Martín Brañas, M, Ríos Torres, S., Baker, T. & Montoya, M. (2020). Impacto de la construcción de la carretera Iquitos-Saramiriza sobre los bosques y turberas del Río Tigre, Loreto, Perú. Folia Amazónica29(1), 65-87.

López Gonzales, M., Hergoualc’h, K., Angulo Núñez, Ó., Baker, T., Chimner, R., del Águila Pasquel, J., del Castillo Torres, D., Freitas Alvarado, L., Fuentealba Durand, B., García Gonzales, E., Honorio Coronado, E., Kazuyo, H., Lilleskov, E., Málaga Durán, N., Maldonado Folkén, M., Martín Brañas, M., Mori Vargas, T., Planas, A., Roucoux, K., Vacalla, F. (2020) What do we know about Peruvian peatlands? Occasional Paper 210. Bogor, Indonesia: CIFOR.

Harrison ME, Wijedasa LS, Cole LES, Cheyne SM, Choiruzzad SAB, Chua L, Dargie GC, Ewango CEN, Honorio Coronado EN, Ifo SA, Imron MA, Kopansky D, Lestarisa T, O’Reilly PJ, Van Offelen J, Refisch J, Roucoux K, Sugardjito J, Thornton SA, Upton C, Page S. (2020) Tropical peatlands and their conservation are important in the context of COVID-19 and potential future (zoonotic) disease. pandemicsPeerJ, 8:e10283.

Martín, M., Del Aguila, M., Dávila, N., Fabiano, E., Laurie, N., Mozombite, W., Palacios, J.J. & Núñez, C. (2019) El ela tradicional: el uso de las especies vegetales de los humedales en el tejido del pueblo urarina en la cuenca del río Chambira, Loreto, Perú. Folia Amazónica, Vol. 28 (2): 131-145.

Tagle Casapia, X., Falen, L., Bartholomeus, H., Cárdenas, R, Flores, G., Herold, M., Honorio Coronado, E.N., Baker, T.B. (2019). Identifying and Quantifying the Abundance of Economically Important Palms in Tropical Moist Forest Using UAV ImageryRemote Sensing 2020, Vol. 12, Page 9 12 (1): 9.

Bhomia, R.K., van Lent, J., Rios, J.M.G., Hergoualc’h, K., Honorio Coronado, E.N. & Murdiyarso, D. (2019). Impacts of Mauritia flexuosa degradation on the carbon stocks of freshwater peatlands in the Pastaza-Marañón river basin of the Peruvian Amazon. Mitigation and adaptation strategies for global change 24: 645-668.

Baker, T.R., del Castillo Torres, D., Honorio Coronado, E., Lawson, I., Brañas, M.M., Montoya, M., Roucoux, K. (2019) The challenges for achieving conservation and sustainable development within the wetlands of the Pastaza Marañón basin, Peru. pp. 155-175 in ‘Peru: Deforestation in times of climate change’ (ed. A. Chirif), International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Cole, L.E.S., Bhagwat, S.A., Willis, K.J. (2019) Fire in the Swamp Forest: Palaeoecological Insights Into Natural and Human-Induced Burning in Intact Tropical Peatlands. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 2, 48.

Schulz, C., Brañas, M.M., Núñez Pérez, C., Del Águila Villacorta, M., Laurie, N., Lawson, I.T., Roucoux, K.H. (2019) Peatland and wetland ecosystems in Peruvian Amazonia : indigenous classifications and perspectives. Ecology and Society, vol. 24, 2, 12.

Schulz, C., Martín Brañas, M., Núñez Pérez, C., Del Águila Villacorta, M., Laurie, N., Lawson, I.T., Roucoux, K.H. (2019) Uses, cultural significance, and management of peatlands in the Peruvian Amazon: implications for conservation. Biological Conservation 235, 189-198.

Draper, F. C., Asner, G.P., Honorio Coronado, E. N., Baker, T. R., García‐Villacorta, R., Pitman, N. C. A., Fine, P. V. A., Phillips, O. L., Zárate Gómez, R., Amasifuén Guerra, C. A., Arévalo, M. F., Vasquez Martinez, R., Brienen, R. J. W., Monteagudo‐Mendoza, A., Montenegro, L. A., T., Sandoval, E. V., Roucoux, K. H., Ramírez Arévalo, F. R., Acuy, Í. M., Del Aguila Pasquel, J., Casapia, X. T., Llampazo, G. F., Medina, M. C., Huaymacari, J. R., Baraloto, C. (2019) Dominant tree species drive beta diversity patterns in Western Amazon. Ecology. DOI:10.1002/ecy.2636

Draper, F. C., Baraloto, C., Brodrick, P. G., Phillips, O. L., Vasquez Martinez, R., Honorio Coronado, E. N., Baker, T. R., Zárate Gómez, R., Amasifuen Guerra, C. A., Flores, M., Garcia Villacorta, R., Fine, P. V. A., Freitas, L., Monteagudo‐Mendoza A., Brienen, R. J. W., & Asner, G.P. (2019) Imaging spectroscopy predicts variable distance decay across contrasting Amazonian tree communities. Journal of Ecology, 107, 696-710. DOI:10.1111/1365-2745.13067

Falen Horna, L. & Honorio Coronado, E.N. (2018). Evaluación de las técnicas de aprovechamiento de frutos de aguaje (Mauritia flexuosa L.f.) en el distrito de Jenaro Herrera, Loreto, Perú. Folia Amazonica 27: 131-150.

Draper, F. C., Honorio Coronado, E. N., Roucoux, K. H., Lawson, I. T., Pitman, N. C. A., Fine, P. V. A., Phillips, O. L., Torres Montenegro, L. A., Valderrama Sandoval, E., Mesones, I., Garcia Villacorta, R., Ramirez Arevalo, F. R. & Baker, T. R. (2018) Peatland forests are the least diverse tree communities documented in Amazonia, but contribute to high regional beta-diversity. Ecography, 41, 1256-1269. DOI:10.1111/ecog.03126

Kelly, T. J., Lawson, I. T., Roucoux, K. H., Baker, T. R., Honorio Coronado, E. N., Jones, T. D., & Rivas Panduro, S. (2018) Continuous human presence without extensive ecological disturbance over the past 2500 years in an aseasonal Amazonian rainforest. Journal of Quaternary Science, 33, 369-379. DOI:10.1002/jqs.3019

Roucoux, K.H., Lawson, I.T., Baker, T.R., Del Castillo Torres, D., Draper, F.C., Lähteenoja, O., Gilmore, M.P., Honorio Coronado, E.N., Kelly, T.J., Mitchard, E.T.A. & Vriesendorp, C. (2017) Threats to intact tropical peatlands and opportunities for their conservation. Conservation Biology, 31, 1283-1292. DOI:10.1111/cobi.12925

Kelly, T. J., Lawson, I. T., Roucoux, K. H., Baker, T. R., Jones, T. D. & Sanderson, N. K. (2017) The vegetation history of an Amazonian domed peatland. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 468, 129-141. DOI:10.1016/j.palaeo.2016.11.039

Honorio Coronado, E. N. & Draper, F. (2017). A monitoring network to detect the impact of climate change on tree biodiversity and carbon in Amazonian floodplain forests. In: The Lima Declaration on Biodiversity and Climate Change: Contributions from Science to Policy for Sustainable Development. (Eds L. Rodríguez & I. Anderson) Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal. Technical Series No.89, 49-54.

Honorio Coronado, E. H., Vega Arenas, J. E. & Corrales Medina, M. N. (2015) Diversidad, estructura y carbono de los bosques aluviales del noreste peruano. Folia Amazonica, 24, 55-70. DOI:10.24841/fa.v24i1.59

Draper, F. C., Roucoux, K. H., Lawson, I. T., Mitchard, E. T., Coronado, E. N. H., Lähteenoja, O., … & Baker, T. R. (2014). The distribution and amount of carbon in the largest peatland complex in Amazonia. Environmental Research Letters9(12), 124017. DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/9/12/124017

Lawson, I. T., Kelly, T. J., Aplin, P., Boom, A., Dargie, G., Draper, F. C. H., … & Wheeler, J. (2014). Improving estimates of tropical peatland area, carbon storage, and greenhouse gas fluxes. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 1-20. DOI:10.1007/s11273-014-9402-2

Lawson, I. T., Jones, T. D., Kelly, T. J., Coronado, E. N. H., & Roucoux, K. H. (2014). The geochemistry of Amazonian peats. Wetlands34(5), 905-915. DOI:10.1007/s13157-014-0552-z

Mitchard, E. T., Feldpausch, T. R., Brienen, R. J., Lopez‐Gonzalez, G., Monteagudo, A., Baker, T. R., … Roucoux, K. H., … & Pardo Molina, G. (2014). Markedly divergent estimates of Amazon forest carbon density from ground plots and satellites. Global ecology and biogeography23(8), 935-946. DOI:10.1111/geb.12168

Swindles, G. T., Reczuga, M., Lamentowicz, M., Raby, C. L., Turner, T. E., Charman, D. J., … Roucoux, K. H., Baker, T. R. & Mullan, D. J. (2014). Ecology of testate amoebae in an Amazonian peatland and development of a transfer function for palaeohydrological reconstruction. Microbial ecology68(2), 284-298. DOI:10.1007/s00248-014-0378-5

Kelly, T. J., Baird, A. J., Roucoux, K. H., Baker, T. R., Honorio Coronado, E. N., Ríos, M., & Lawson, I. T. (2014). The high hydraulic conductivity of three wooded tropical peat swamps in northeast Peru: measurements and implications for hydrological function. Hydrological Processes28(9), 3373-3387. DOI:10.1002/hyp.9884

Roucoux, K. H., Lawson, I. T., Jones, T. D., Baker, T. R., Coronado, E. H., Gosling, W. D., & Lähteenoja, O. (2013). Vegetation development in an Amazonian peatland. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology374, 242-255. DOI:10.1016/j.palaeo.2013.01.023

Lähteenoja, O., & Roucoux, K. H. (2010). Inception, history and development of peatlands in the Amazon Basin. Pages News18(1), 140-145. DOI:10.22498/pages.18.1.27